Anyone visiting Belgium for the first time would be crazy not to take in the touristy but quaint character of Brugge, spending time in one of the pubs and indulging in the incredible quality and quantity of beers available.
I did this a few years ago, with wife and cousin in tow, and walked into 't Brugs Beertje, one of the most popular drinking venues in town. At the bar, acknowledging our arrival with a nod of her head, was Daisy Claeys, the lady who opened the bar back in 1983. She started out with around 120 beers on offer and hasn't looked back since. On our visit she had a menu of 300 different brews (which is apparently still the case) which makes for some tough decision making. Daisy kindly offered to take the choice out of our naive hands and told us that she'd keep them coming. This she did, and with beers like the Babbelaar and the Delirium Nocturnum arriving in tailor made glasses, we were in hop heaven.
The address is Kemelstraat 5 or have a look at their website.
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